Surgery LIFE Enhancement’s Phallocare penis enlargement clinic was founded over 20 years ago in 1996. Since our origination, we have performed over 4,000 penis enlargement procedures and pioneered many of the leading innovations in surgical and non-surgical penis enhancement known today.
Our state-of-the-art penis enlargement surgical techniques have been refined and perfected to precision.
Penile enlargement surgery is available to add permanent erect length and erect girth. Surgical penis enlargement and phalloplasty procedures are widely recognized by the medical and scientific community as the leading method for penis enlargement. Surgery LIFE Enhancement penile enlargement procedures are exclusively performed by our world renowned urological surgeon, Dr. Ricardo.
Surgery LIFE Enhancement Specializes in:
- Erect PMMA Non-Surgical Penile Widening & Penis Enlargement Surgery
- Phalloplasty Penile Widening & Erect Penile Lengthening Under Traction
- Chemical Physiotherapy Post-op Penile Training
- Penile Traction and Penis Weight Devices |