Bad Credit Car Loans Australia With more than 25 years’ experience handling bad credit car loans, bad credit motorcycle loans and bad credit caravan loans, our consultants have seen every scenario. We get bad credit car loans, bad credit motorcycle loans and bad credit caravan loans approved virtually every day. The preparation of a bad credit car loan application is far more demanding than a general car loan. For this reason our most experienced Partner oversees every bad credit application. The financiers want to know everything about you. They are going to ask you for more information than a main stream financier or bank. There is good news though, the bad credit car loan lender swill in many cases approve your bad credit car loan application. A few words of caution, these lenders are going to charge you more than a bank, therefore we strongly recommend that you borrow at a lower level, as you do not want to overcommit yourself. If you default on this loan, you won’t get another for a long time.