A Werewolf Boy TRAILER (2012) - South Korean Movie HD
Posted: December 6, 2012
Subscribe to TRAILERS: bit.ly Subscribe to COMING SOON: bit.ly A Werewolf Boy TRAILER (2012) - South Korean Movie HD Summoned by an unexpected phone call, an elderly woman visits the country cottage she lived in as a child. Memories of an orphan boy she knew 60 years ago come flooding back to her. Cast: Director: Sung-Hee Jo Producer: Writer: Sung-Hee Jo Editor: Cinematographer: Composer: ''Willem Dafoe'' ''Sigourney Weaver'' ''Morgan Freeman'' movieclips movieclipstrailers movieclips movieclipsDOTcom dcoscarelli ''south korea'' cinema fantasy horror twilight movieclipscomingsoon ''a werewolf boy'' ''a werewolf boy korean movie'' ''a werewolf boy eng sub''