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Olympic Flame Romania
iDesign Icon
Montarea placilor ceramice pentru podele este mai u?oara decât pare. Cu pu?ina expertiza ?i folosind un ghid pentru utlilizarea pas cu pas a montarii, se poate aranja gresia dupa preferin?e. Va prezentam câteva sugestii esen?iale care pot fi de folos la instalarea gresiei.
+4 0799 958 360 | View ProfileCluj-Napoca, Bucharest Romania
Ania SspotSponsor
View Profilepiatra neamt, Romania
Studio de amenajari si design interiorSponsor
Studio de amenajari si design interior Icon
Modern, clasic, mediteranean... Exista o cantitate incredibila de stiluri care sunt utilizate in designul interior al caselor si apartamentelor. Mai mult decat atat, Studio de design si amenajari interioare, poate sa aplice orice stil in amenajari interioare si cel mai adesea, este un amestec de mai multe, pentru a crea un efect multifacetic sau un stil rafinat si luxos pentru case sau apartamente. Cu atat de multe stiluri in design, este extrem de dificil sa iti dai seama ce iti place si ce se potriveste casei tale. Pentru a te ajuta il alegerea ta, Nobili Interior Design – Studio amenajari interioare in Bucuresti, a pus la dispozitie un portofoliu cu descrieri si exemple ale celor mai populare stiluri de design interior pentru locuinte familiale.
0720665365 | View ProfileBucuresti, Romania
Ubuy RomaniaSponsor
Ubuy Romania Icon
Ubuy is not your usual e-commerce website, we provide our customers with access to an excellent variety of products. Today’s shoppers want more in a shorter time period, and let's not forget the easy purchase methods and delivery to make it worth their while. Based in Kuwait, Ubuy offer its services in more than 90 countries around the world to provide its shoppers with access to product categories that keeps them coming back.
40 31 630 0695 | View Profilebucharest, bucharest Romania
Porte Frigo Group SRLSponsor
Porte Frigo Group SRL Icon
Compania a fost înfiintata în anul 2004 ca urmare a cererii tot mai mare de usi frigorifice si s-a impus în scurt timp pe piata de profil prin calitatea produselor, prin seriozitate si profesionalism. Beneficiind înca de la început de experienta si suportul furnizorilor nostri de materiale si echipament, am reusit sa gasim cele mai bune solutii pentru a raspunde exigentelor clientilor si provocarilor unui domeniu în plina dezvoltare.
0735318063 | View ProfileCiorogarla, Ilfov Romania
Scopul ADPVENTS.RO este de a oferi un servciu complet de consilire, vânzare ?i instalare a produselor de climatizare.service or product: aer conditionat, aparate aer conditionat, service aer conditionat
+40 769 049 476 | View ProfileMures, Bardesti Romania
Casamoni.roSponsor Icon
No matter if you're doing a renovation or you just want to do some small improvements, we know how hard it is to have an efficient and organized home. Our mission is to show you the best products to achieve that goal so everyone can save money and resources while having a modern, comfortable home! Check us out and see how you can get a modern & beautiful home as soon as possible.
0758299228 | View ProfileBraila, nil Romania
Neona Interiors is a business founded on a passion for the harmonious combination of elegance and beauty in interior design. This company is known for its professional interior design services. The entire team behind Neona Interiors works to achieve perfection in every project they work on. What sets them apart is the way they approach their work and the passion with which they engage, no matter what type of project they receive.
+40751334333 | View ProfileBucharest, Romania
Sticla Bucatarie BucurestSponsor
Sticla Bucatarie Bucurest Icon
DecoGlass - sticla printata bucatarie & sticla securizata bucatarie rezistenta la caldura (sticla termorezistenta), apa sau alte materiale. Va oferim si grafica, transport, montaj. Contactati-ne ACUM pentru o cotatie de pret! Aveti intrebari? Apelati-ne ACUM sau lasati-ne un mesaj pe WhatsApp! Profitati si dvs. de SUPER OFERTA! 0785977617
004 0785977617 | View ProfileBucuresti, Romania
Domax ofera balamale sudabile, balamale rustice ?i balamale porti metalice. Descoperi?i capace stalpi gard, suport grinda lemn ?i col?are metalice rigidizate. Produsele noastre includ ?i suruburi pentru beton, dibluri termoizola?ii ?i panouri perforate. Alege?i Domax pentru feronerie usi de înalta calitate ?i rafturi pentru supermarket.
40770245911 | View ProfilePloiesti, Prahova 100039 , Prahova Romania
Aluplast System SRLSponsor
Aluplast System SRL Icon
The Aluplast System SRL Company is a Romanian company with private capital established in 2004, specializing in the import and distribution of materials, spare parts, accessories, and equipment necessary for the installation and maintenance of HVAC/R systems.With a young and dynamic team, well-trained professionally, emphasizing accurate customer information, and promoting the latest materials and technologies in the HVAC/R field, our company provides a diverse range of quality materials, accessories, products, and logistic services (distribution) nationwide at the best ''''quality/price'''' ratio.Quality, professionalism, speed, reliability, and affordable prices are the fundamental principles of our company, ensuring your satisfaction with our services and collaboration. We are not just your HVAC/R supplier. We are your partner!
+40 723 034 606 | View ProfileCluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
CeraMall Icon
CeraMall offers a wide range of high-quality tiles and ceramics, tailored to both residential and commercial needs. Located in Bucharest, at 80 B Timi?oara Street (entrance from Valea Cascadelor), CeraMall is committed to providing durable and stylish solutions for any space. In addition to our products, we also offer expert design advice to help bring your projects to life.
0372533333 | View ProfileBucuresti, sector 6, Bucuresti Romania