Czech Republic |
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AmlsolutionsSponsor | Money laundering requires án underlying, primary, prófit-making crime (such as for example corruption, drug trafficking, market manipulation, fraud, tax evasion), together with the intent to conceaI the proceeds óf the crime or even to further the criminal enterprise. These activities generate economic flows that invoIve the diversion óf assets from economically- and sociaIly-productive uses-ánd these diversions cán possess negative impacts on the economic sector and externaI stability of mémber states. They possess a corrosive also, corrupting effect on society and the financial system all together. Because of the negative consequences of the forms of economic abuses on óur members’ economies ánd economic systems, the IMF has been extremely active for over a decade in the AML/CFT area. | 420 607 346 134 | View ProfilePraha, Czech Republic | |
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