Angul?rJS is a ?tru?tur?l fr?m?w?rk f?r d?n?mi? w?b ????. It l?t? ??u use HTML as ??ur t?m?l?t? l?ngu?g? ?nd l?t? ??u ?xt?nd HTML'? ??nt?x t? ?x?r??? ??ur ???li??ti?n'? ??m??n?nt? ?l??rl? and ?u??in?tl?. Angul?r'? d?t? binding and dependency inj??ti?n eliminate mu?h ?f the code ??u would ?th?rwi?? have to write. And it all h????n? within the browser, making it ?n id??l partner with any ??rv?r t??hn?l?g?.Angul?r i? wh?t HTML would h?v? b??n, h?d it b??n d??ign?d for ???li??ti?n?. HTML i? a great declarative l?ngu?g? f?r ?t?ti? d??um?nt?. It d??? not contain much in the way ?f creating ???li??ti?n?, ?nd as a r??ult building web ???li??ti?n? is an ?x?r?i?? in wh?t d? I h?v? to d? to tri?k the browser into d?ing wh?t I w?nt?
Angul?rJS is a ?tru?tur?l fr?m?w?rk f?r d?n?mi? w?b ????. It l?t? ??u use HTML as ??ur t?m?l?t? l?ngu?g? ?nd l?t? ??u ?xt?nd HTML'? ??nt?x t? ?x?r??? ??ur ???li??ti?n'? ??m??n?nt? ?l??rl? and ?u??in?tl?. Angul?r'? d?t? binding and dependency inj??ti?n eliminate mu?h ?f the code ??u would ?th?rwi?? have to write. And it all h????n? within the browser, making it ?n id??l partner with any ??rv?r t??hn?l?g?.