The Royaltie Gem Automatically Promotes Businesses and Attracts NEW Customers by Sending Notifications to Every Android Phone within 50-100 yards of the device
with a 40 Character Message and Link to...
It's Incredible! Not many have seen them, so your customers will be instantly intrigued!
The Gem is a beacon, fits in the palm of your hand, and can be easily set up in your back office just by typing in the message and link you want the Gem to promote. It's
insane! Businesses buy dozens of them at a time. They leave them in stadiums, high traffic dept. stores, conventions, in their pocket/pocketbook... Some of Easiest
Categories to Sell the Gem's Will Include; Real Estate Agents/Rental Communities:
Place a Gem in each of your properties, so that anyone driving by or viewing the property can watch a virtual tour of the listing or be directed to a download link where
they can receive a comprehensive property report, and demographics of the area! Your message can lead them to a mortgage payment calculator or a pre-qualification questionnaire and your immediate contact information!
(919) 703-5163
Alternate Phone 2
(919) 703-5163
6717 Dianthus Dr. Kennebec, North Carolina 27592 Map It!
Proximity Marketing | Bluetooth Marketing | Advertising
How We Got Started
Royaltie was founded in 2017 by Entrepreneur Justin Belababa located in Toronto Canada.
Favorite Part of the Business
Favorite part of the business is helping small local businesses gain more leads and sales by utilizing the proximity sensor beacons to send notifications in either 100m, 400m, or 1000m distance.
Customer Can Expect
Customers can expect high tech support when needed to activate or deactivate their accounts at any time. If the product becomes broken or misplaced, we will replace it free at no charge.
Competes On
Convenience Expertise Price Service Selection Value