Redline Rapidequipsyou with the tools and ongoing support you need: our solution in a box, is your peace of mind. We provide you with a comprehensive, customizable and scalable solution, offering:
• Overnight delivery of customised drugs of abuse rapid test cups.
• Same-day scheduled collection of any urine samples that need quantitative lab screening
• A 24-hour toll-free helpline& culturally relevant, up-to-date onlineresources
• Online support services through a members’ portal, telephonic assistance and structured e-counselling
We focus on addressing substance misuse, abuse or addiction challenges – whether in yourworkplace, school, family or friendships. We do not sell drug tests. At Redline Rapid, we will always be driven by the need foraffordable, certified testing kits and support services for as wide a range of substances with potential for misuse, abuse or addiction in South Africaas clinically possible.Many of these substances cannot be detected onstandard 5-panel screening kits.
+27 31 100 0164
1 Tamarind Close Sunningdale Umhlanga, South Africa