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Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes - #5 of 10 - You making this “measuring” mistake?“measuring”-mistake/321045  
WEIGHT is the measure of force acting on that material due to gravity. The scale doesn’t tell you your FAT MASS - how MUCH FAT you have. Nor does it tell you your FAT FREE MASS - or muscle and organs. So, you can actually “weigh less” but gain fat. See, people don’t really want to “lose weight.” They want to “lose fat.” And as you can see, there’s a BIG DIFFERENCE. Muscle is approximately 18% more dense than fat. Which is to say 1 cubic inch of muscle weighs more than 1 cubic inch of fat. This is why you can train hard, eat well, lose inches in your waist, and the scale doesn’t change. You’re growing muscle and losing fat at approximately the same rate.