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Tools and Features: A Guide for Sellers  
Sign up today , and you can use your phone, tablet, or laptop to advertise your skills and services. From Hobby to Hustle?. The Ultimate Gateway to Global Skill Sharing! Everyone anticipates Bazaarroom to be similar to other platforms for selling abilities. We are more than that! Our entire approach is based on helping those who have needs and those who have abilities to sell them. Sign up today , and you can use your phone, tablet, or laptop to advertise your skills and services. To offer your skills and share your expertise or to advertise you don't need an office or other facilities. Grab your phone and create a video presentation of your abilities, business, services, or goods. On our platform, people who have needs will find you and connect with you. For instance: at home, the plumbing broke, and I have no idea how to fix it. I locate a plumber on Bazaarroom, and he will walk me through the process in real time on stream. Or, you play dominoes quite well, therefor