Pharmacie Hannouche provides a high professional standard of service to patients in and around Montréal, Quebec. With the help of Mario Hannouche, the managing pharmacist, Pharmacie Hannouche has maintained a 10 percent prescription volume increase over each of the past seven years. Part of the pharmacy’s growth is due to the convenience of its prescription services. For instance, patients can call in prescription refills on any day of the week and at any time of day. Further, they can order prescriptions for delivery through
Under Mario Hannouche's management, the pharmacy has developed an excellent support staff that speaks a wide range of languages, including Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, English, and French. In terms of technology, the business installed an on-site iPad with which customers can learn more about their prescriptions. Moreover, the pharmacists themselves are readily available to answer questions about drug interactions and other important topics.
A business active in its community, Pharmacie Hannouche supports a nonprofit foundation dedicated to assisting children with autism.