Posted: December 26, 2024 |
Many of us like what we like, and we do what we enjoy and what we’re good at.
A good example is the “Gym Scene” from the 1980s and 90s.
Monday is International Chest Day and as a result, there’s usually a line for the bench presses.
Friday was usually International Leg Day and the squat racks were empty.
Which is why all the guys on Monday had huge upper bodies and twigs for legs - because something always “came up” on Fridays.
Which leads me to my “General Rule of Thumb for Fat Loss / Getting Leaner” I told you yesterday we’d discuss today:
In other words, if your program is predominantly “grinds” - the slow lifts - Presses, Squats, TGUs, that sort of thing…
Then do more ballistics - Swings, Snatches, Cleans, Push Presses, and Jerks.
And vice versa:
Switch out the ballistics for heavy grinds. |
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