Most people give up on “losing weight” because they’re IMPATIENT.
They won’t stick with it.
They think things are magically supposed to happen because they’re “eating less” or “working out more.”
Losing fat - getting leaner is a PROCESS that requires PATIENCE, PRACTICE, and VISION.
You didn’t suddenly wake up 10… 20… 30 pounds (or more) heavier.
No, it was a process.
You consistently did the things that told your body to create more fat cells.
Losing fat is the opposite.
The same way you PRACTICED doing the things to create more fat cells…
You must PRACTICE doing the things to empty those fat cells of fat and burn off that stored fat as fuel.
And in order to do that, like my daughter, you MUST have a VISION of who you want to be… What you want to look like… Where you want to go.