Posted: January 9, 2025 |
This is a mistake I see so many people make, it’s not even funny.
It’s up there with “shooting yourself in the foot.”
Remember when you were a little kid and you fell off your bike?
Most of us when we were really little laid there in the road hollering for our moms.
But as we got older?
We were kinda embarrassed that we fell.
So we’d get back up, hop right back on our bikes, race around with our friends, and check for injuries later.
It was only after we got home that we found the hole in the knee our jeans and the surrounding blood stain.
And yet, so many adults “mess up” on their fat loss efforts -
Miss a workout…
“Cheat” on their diets…
And throw up their hands and cry (inside, of course) -
“Well, there goes the workout… there goes the diet… may as well quit…”
Emotionally speaking, it’s just like the little kid who falls off his bike in the middle of the street and lays there hollering instead of getting up, dusting himself off, and keeps going. |
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