3 Steps to Stripping off body fat AND Getting Stronger at the same time using kettlebells
Posted: October 24, 2024
The Holy Grail of strength training is to be able to dump unwanted body fat, put on some muscle, and get stronger at the same time.
Many people think it can’t be done.
Or if it can, it’s only done sequentially, like bodybuilders do it:
Run a “bulk” cycle to grow muscle and get stronger.
Then run a “cut” cycle to strip off body fat and lean out.
And if you’re lucky, you can keep what you gained in the first cycle at the end of the second cycle.
Unfortunately for many it’s “Net Zero” - 24+ weeks of “marking time.”
I’m here to tell you that’s not true and there’s a better way.
I’ve been using this “method” or “style” of training - whatever you want to call it - on and off for over 25 years, and 13 years with kettlebells.
It works every time for those who can follow instructions.
Here’s how you do it:
STEP 1: Lift Heavy (For You)
STEP 2: Lift As Explosively As Possible
STEP 3: Manage Fatigue