We build only products we love, provide incredible hospitality to our customers in Canada, and change the world by getting more people on e-bikes in Canada. We want to accelerate the world to sustainable transportation in Canada. Our key advantages to competitors such as electric cars, scooters, low power bikes, are that there is no gas to pay for, no issurance to pay for, no registration needed, great exercise, faster commute when compared to a car that will hit traffic, stop lights, and stop signs, the bikes can be used during fire bans because there is no hot exhaust, the bikes are extremely fast when needed and allow for a legal mode as well for in city commute. Great for daily commuting to save a ton of money or as an offroad beast to replace your motorcross bike. We serve all of Canada and only canada no other countries. Our bikes are good for people of all ages and genders. Young people will enjoy the thrill these bikes offer when full unlocked and the seniors will love because it will allow for them to ride bikes again with the added assist.
Alternate Phone
(780) 315-4044
113 Webb Street Hinton, Alberta T7v 1b8, Canada Map It!