Welcome to Econo Lodge Richwood, best choice of Hotel in Walton KY. Make smart choice to stay with us from list of Richwood Hotels near Downtown Cincinnati.Choosing one of the Walton KY Hotels for business or leisure, Econo Lodge Hotels in Richwood KY offers Free Continental Breakfast, Free WiFi and amenities that needs to enjoy your stay.While staying at Walton Hotel near Kentucky Speedway enjoy things to do and see in the surrounding area. Make your stay memorable one at Richwood Hotels near Botanical GardenRelax and Unwind in Econo Lodge Richwood Hotel near Northern Kentucky Intl Airport, Located at 11165 Frontage Road, Richwood, Kentucky 41094, US near Kentucky Intl Airport Hotels.Friendly Staff at Richwood Hotel near the Cincinnati Zoo look forward to serving you. When you select this property, you’ll also be near the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, World Peace Bell, Kentucky Speedway, Newport Aquarium, Paul Brown Stadium and more. Plus, this is your smartest choice of affordable Richwood hotels near downtown Cincinnati and the central business district too.Amenities that help ensure a great stay include the free Easy Start continental breakfast, free coffee at all hours and free wifi. Plus, the hotel offers convenient fax service for both business and pleasure travelers. In-room amenities include a coffee maker, television, iron with ironing board and other touches that ensure a great stay. Additionally, some rooms include a microwave and refrigerator too.We since