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Olympic Flame Ukraine
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View ProfileKiev, Ukraine
SkidkinComUa Icon
+399999999 | View ProfileKiev, Ukraine
Lviv City DevelopmentSponsor
Lviv City Development Icon
Coming soon
View ProfileLviv, Ukraine
8a Icon
Shag za shagom - VYBRAT SPUTNIKOVYJ PROVAJDER DLYa USTANOVKI Platnoe ili besplatnoe sputnikovoe televidenie?Pervoe: polnoe ili nepolnoe otsutstvie prodvizheniya po platnym kanalam. Krome togo: tematicheskie ramki platnyh kanalov namnogo shire, chem besplatnye.PLATNYE KANALYPreimushestva Platnoe sputnikovoe televidenie, na kotoroe sejchas ssylayutsya, harakterizuetsya otsutstviem reklamy. Est eshe odno razlichie - shirokoe opredelenie telekanalov. Administrator sputnikovoj svyazi dast vam reshenie o bolshom kolichestve sputnikovyh stancij i svyazok, sposobnyh udovletvorit prakticheski lyuboj nablyudatel. Samye populyarnye sportivnye stancii i stancii s kinofilmami, kotoryh net v besplatnom TV.Plata dlya vsego, kak vy, navernoe, znaete, vam nuzhno platit, i za udovolstvie v lyubom sluchae. Plata za nekotoryh administratorov dostigaet neskolkih soten griven. Uchityvaya vse obstoyatelstva, naprimer, za platnyj paket sputnikovogo televideniya VIASAT, vy dolzhny zaplatit vsego okolo 100 grn. kazhdyj mesyac.BESPLATNYE KANALYPreimushestva naibolee privlekatelnym v dopolnenie yavlyaetsya otsutstvie chlenskih vznosov. Chto kasaetsya haraktera izobrazheniya i zvuka, besplatnoe sputnikovoe televidenie ne ustupaet platnomuPrepyatstviya - reklama. Besplatnye sputnikovye stancii «zhivut» tolko putem prodvizheniya.VIASATAdministrator Viasat bolshe vsego skoncentrirovan vokrug Ukrainy, gde on dovolno davno zadejstvoval svoyu specialnost, tak zhe, kak i s
View ProfileKiev, Ukraine
MirMark Icon
Privet. Esli u vas est dom, ogorod, ogorod dlya ovoshej, na etom etape ya mogu predlozhit vam mnozhestvo ustrojstv dlya raboty. Krome togo, odin iz nih ya hochu vam opisat Ogromnye uchastki pitomnika i semejnye dvoriki nuzhdayutsya v samom sovremennom oborudovanii dlya sistem vodosnabzheniya. Sredi luchshih ustrojstv vydelyalsya akkumulyatornyj raspylitel, kotoryj poyavilsya v otnositelno nedavnem proshlom.OsobennostiDlya nachala, kak naschet togo, chtoby uznat pobolshe o razbryzgivatelyah. Takim obrazom, opryskivatel pozvolyaet bystro, prosto i akkuratno sostavlyat uhod za posadkami na tom osnovanii, chto rabochaya sistema podderzhivaetsya postoyannym vesom blagodarya elektricheskomu sifonu. V sootvetstvii s etim, kultivator ne dolzhen vypolnyat sifonirovanie fizicheski, kak v situacii s ruchnymi agregatami.Raspylitel obychno ispolzuetsya dlya naneseniya slozhnyh kompostov i fungicidnyh sredstv dlya rastenij,pri etomnaruzhnaya storona listev i steblej pokryvaet tonkoj plenkoj, kotoraya v osnovnom izbavlyaet ot ispolzovaniya lekarstv. Nesmotrya na to chto on prednaznachen dlya rastenij, etot opryskivatel chasto ispolzuetsya dlya ochistki transportnyh sredstv, pobelki naruzhnyh poverhnostej, vnutrennih peregorodok i krysh, a takzhe ochistki vertikalnyh poverhnostej ot ostatkov i zemli. Osnovnaya chast etogo ustrojstva nahoditsya na plechah, poetomu on snabzhen ergonomichnymi ruchkami i remnyami, i klient mozhet bez osobyh usilij peremesti
View ProfileKiev, Ukraine
Accounting Service in UkraineSponsor
Accounting Service in Ukraine Icon
PETTERSON & BANNETT Provide the Best accounting service in Ukraine with doing work with personal accounting service. Our team are providing the service with operations on sale (exchange) of property, gift, at notaries certification of contracts on which the tax was paid. Personal Income Tax declaration separately specifies the information on real estate (movable) and other property you own.
443577647 | View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
Olga Icon
View ProfileKiev, Ukraine
Atey Icon
View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
VipBattery Icon
Qualified selection of batteries for a laptop on our store, the site of which is in Kiev and the high quality of our laptop batteries is a guarantee of stable and long-term operation of your laptop. Our laptop batteries are produced at large factories from high-quality certified materials. All laptop batteries go through multiple tests, a number of quality control checks, and only then fall into the hands of the buyer, guaranteeing long-term trouble-free operation of your laptops for many years. We offer laptop batteries with delivery to any region of Ukraine. Now we can buy accumulators or batteries for laptops Acer, Apple, Asus, Dell, HP, MSI, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba.
(066) 609-08-08 | View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
AndreyVaribok Sponsor
AndreyVaribok				 Icon
We have been automating logistics processes since 2013. 30+ engineers with deep industry expertise. More than 10 self-developed products. More than 50 completed projects with the 95% level of CSI.
+380673291690 | View ProfileKyiv, Kyiv Ukraine
ELITEX is a custom software development company headquartered in Ukraine with offices in the UK and the Netherlands. The company has a strong expertise in JavaScript and JS frameworks (Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js). ELITEX builds dedicated development teams for businesses and start-ups in the US, in the UK and the EU. You can discover some of their most successful projects on their website.ELITEX offers IT outsourcing services to empower solid companies' products and create scalable tech solutions for businesses all over the globe. For companies looking for team augmentation, ELITEX provides highly-skilled software developers, QA specialists, and UI designers. Most of the company's engineers are seniors and JavaScript experts with a deep knowledge of Javascript frameworks.ELITEX is proficient in developing quality and highly-scalable software products. Company's developers build web or mobile applications using Node.js, Angular, and React. ELITEX is committed to build client-oriented partnerships with businesses based on high professionalism, responsibility, transparency and honesty.
+38 (096) 585 0620 | View ProfileLviv, Ukraine
Affiliate marketingSponsor
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Affiliate marketing business
380934213103 | View ProfileLviv, ????????? ??????? Ukraine
Ghost of Kyiv Merch StoreSponsor
Ghost of Kyiv Merch Store Icon
The Ghost of Kyiv has become a Ukrainian hero across social media, as stories spread of a fighter pilot who had allegedly downed six Russian planes in the first day of the invasion of Putin's forces. While the stories of the Ghost remain unconfirmed and the facts coming from the conflict would suggest it is unlikely to be true, former Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, posted a photo of a pilot on Twitter saying this was none other than the Ghost of Kyiv.#ghostofkyivmerch #ghostofkyiv #ghostofkyivmerchandise #ghostofkyivshirt
3802154656 | View ProfileKyiv, Kyiv Ukraine
Essay Icon
1809657456 | View ProfileBrooklyn, ??????? Ukraine
Hollis HaleSponsor
Vikhost Icon
Vikhost is a reliable hosting service that offers VPS & Dedicated
View ProfileKyiv, Kyiv Ukraine
cloudconsulting Icon
Put the power of dedicated remote Azure specialists to work for your organisation to achieve your business goals through all-encompassing cloud solutions, ranging from cloud strategy advice to simple deployment and continuing administration of your business operations on the Azure cloud platform. If your firm need Azure consulting, get in touch with us to learn how to engage Azure professionals remotely.
380931234479 | View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
hireembeddeddevelopers Icon
38093451325 | View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
remotedevops Icon
In today's fast-paced IT industry and world, faster delivery of high-quality software and continuous improvement determine a company's success and future progress. DevOps is critical in order to improve communication between Dev and Ops, decrease the development life cycle, and ensure continuous delivery of high-quality products.
09124578124 | View ProfileKyiv, Ukraine
taurus-school Icon
+380999242753 | View ProfileNew York, Ukraine
Piluli Icon
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