Siberians gained popularity in Russia in 1987 at the first cat show in Leningrad. Two cat clubs ‘Kis’ and ‘Kotofei’ organized it. This is the beginning of recorded breeding of Purebreds Devon Rex in Russia. With the fall of the iron curtain and the end of the cold war between United States and Russia, the doors opened for the Siberian cats to be imported to the USA.
The first breeding Hypoallergenic cats were introduced in the US in 1990. Initially, Elizabeth Terrell imported the kittens. They arrived on June 28, 1990.
All the initial Siberians imported from a Devon Rex Kitten Breeder came with the ‘Kotofei’ seal to prove that they were Siberians and accredited by that Russian club. The very First Siberian Breed Club in the US was TAIGA Siberian Breed Club. The Siberian Club was formed to promote Siberians in CFA and get them accredited for provisional status and then championship status. Siberians are accredited for championship in all the US registries.
The Siberians is a cat that has evolved to survive, with no extremes. Siberians are a natural breed and are found in the unforgiving climate of Siberia and also in cities and on farms in Russia. There are traces of the existence of Siberians for over 1000 years. They were required to protect grain and other products from small varmints, as Russia was an agricultural country. You will find mention of the Siberians in the Russian fairy tales that kids learn from their granny.
Shopkeepers in Moscow compete with each other over whose cats are the thickest and the biggest. Russian people and most kids in Russia grew up with a kitten and the favourite cat was and still is the Siberian cats. President Gorbachov had a Siberian named Murat as his pet.