The Benefits of Probiotics for Anxiety and Mood Disorders |
Posted: March 27, 2018 |
There’s a question that keeps showing up whenever we end up talking about probiotics: Can probiotics affect our mood? Probiotics are particularly useful for maintaining an optimal intestinal flora and prevents or alleviates diseases such as candidiasis. However, new research shows they can affect how we react to stressful situations. The two groups (which are discussed most) of microorganisms probiotics are lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. There are several specific species found in each group, and different strains offer distinct benefits. Most improves the digestive system, including the treatment of infectious diarrhea in infants and children and to treat Crohn's disease and irritable bowel sindromulului (IBS). We began to understand how probiotics affect our emotions and how we help reduce stress levels and anxiety. Can probiotics really influence our mood?Recent research suggests that there may be another area where probiotics have positive health benefits - the brain. Currently, scientists are investigating several aspects of this possibility. Some studies are undertaken to determine whether intestinal bacteria communicate with the brain, as such communication, and what, if any, effect with this type of bacteria. On the other hand, some researchers are looking for the link between gut bacteria and our behavior / mood, while others are trying to determine whether probiotics offer future prospects for treating specific affective disorders such as depression. Researchers at the University of Cork in Ireland have made two important discoveries. First, they determined that certain intestinal microbes communicate with central nervous system (CNS). Secondly, they were able to show how well this communication was made. In a study published by the journal of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States in 2011, these researchers sought to determine whether Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a lactic acid bacterium, could have an effect on an important neurotransmitter CNS, GABA (GABA) and if the nerve has served as a mechanically between SNC and digestive system. The experiment involved feeding the lactic acid bacteria of Lactobacillus rhamnosus to mice for 28 days and then to achieve a set of behavioral tests. GABA type changes are already associated with depression and anxiety. The researchers concluded that Lactobacillus rhamnosus affect the neurotransmitter GABA mode of expression in different parts of the brain and therefore "reduced charge of corticosterone stress levels / anxiety and behavior that produce stress." In order to evaluate the role of nerve, mice underwent vagotomy, or surgical clipping of the vagus nerve. The researchers found that mice that had not suffered the same effects vagotomy neurochemical and behavioral bacteria. In other words, the mice that ingested bacteria showed lower levels of anxiety, stress and depression, but mice that had the vagus nerve severed, have not enjoyed such low levels. Researchers found that the vagus nerve is actually a way of communication between the brain-gut axis, a mechanism by which probiotic bacteria can indirectly affect mood. Probiotics and mood changingIn a scientific paper published in 2011 in an issue of the journal Gastroenterology, researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, studied the links between intestinal flora, brain chemistry and behavior in mice. They caused an imbalance between bacterial species (also called dispioza) in the digestive tract of the mice and then conducted a series of behavioral assessments. Their results showed, among other things, that by replacing the bacteria in mice with bacteria from mice anxiety calm, agitated mice became calmer. In contrast, the mice more agitated became peacefully when their intestinal flora was replaced with that of mice with anxiety. These changes have been attributed to behavioral changes at the central level of the mice. Importantly, this research concluded that no changes were caused by "the autonomic nervous system, gastrointestinal specific neurotransmitters," he finally could "contribute to the development of mental disorders in patients with bowel disorders." In other words, people with digestive disease that causes an imbalance between species of bacteria intestine might notice changes in behavior or mood because of this imbalance. In this case, it would be the reason that corrects imbalances probiotics and intestinal flora could finally treat or prevent mental disorders caused by imbalance. Although more research must be done, the results are very interesting. Exploring the effects of probiotics on the central nervous system and on behavior represents the future of probiotic research. Conclusive evidence shows that specific intestinal flora can affect moods, such as anxiety, stress and mood, and this could lead eventually to the development of alternatives to traditional pharmacological therapies. The benefits of probiotics on mental health are eagerly investigated by scientists around the world. The "brain" in the gutThe intestine is the only organ that has its own nervous system. On the walls of the intestines there are about 100 million neurons using this bacterial ecosystem for its own benefit. It is a sophisticated neural network so that many scientists call the gut the second brain. Medical studies in recent years have indicated that intestinal bacteria have a very important role in this connection exists between the gut and the brain.?It is believed that intestinal bacteria are fundamental to the health and balance of mind, their ability to communicate with the brain. The function of intestinal bacteriaBacteria in the gut performs many important functions: factory vitamins and other nutrients, regulates metabolism and digestion, programs the immune system, produce substances that destroy microbes and draw hundreds of neurochemicals in the brain used to regulate psychological processes and mental and emotional state, learning and memory, etc. For example, 95% of the factory intestinal bacteria serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that affect the emotional and bowel activity. How gut bacteria affect our behavior and emotions?Although it seems incredible, human being is made up primarily of bacteria. In fact, we have by 10 bacteria per cell in the body, so the number of bacterial cells exceeds that of human cells. Most of these bacteria are found in the gut and form a complex capable of affecting the functioning of the whole body but also the mind and emotions. Studies have shown that these bacteria can affect neural development, biochemistry brain and a variety of phenomena behavior, including emotional behavior, perception of pain and reactivity under stress. An interesting aspect is that bacteria can affect not only ourselves, but we can also (or rather our experiences) produce an effect on them. For example, stress, even slightly, can influence bacterial balance, making us more vulnerable to infections and causing a series of reactions affecting the nervous system. The results of studies conducted in this field have led scientists to consider using probiotic bacteria to treat anxiety and depression and for treating gastrointestinal disorders that are accompanied by anxiety or depression and appear to be associated with a bacterial unbalanced. Intestinal bacteria influence the brainThe brain can also exert a profound impact on gut bacteria, which shows how our own mind can influence our health. Thus, it has been found that stress may reduce the number of beneficial gut bacteria. For example, some studies revealed that Lactobacilli levels decreased in students during exams. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that once were taken for 30 days probiotics (Lactobacillus helveticus and a mixture of Bifidobacterium longum), it was produced a decrease in the levels of anxiety and depression. Probiotics and psihobioticsScientists have studied probiotics with a special interest in recent years due to the multiple benefits they have on human health. In addition to the many studies that have been conducted on the properties of probiotics in the digestive and cardiovascular level, among other things, it has shown a growing interest towards the emotional effects, in particular in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety and depression. Recently appeared is the psihobiotics term, defined as a living organism which, when ingested in adequate quantities, produce mental health benefits. Specifically speaking, medical studies have shown a reduction in levels of depression, anxiety, stress and aggression. There are numerous scientific evidences that intestinal bacteria play an important role in system programming stress from childhood. These probiotic bacteria can produce psychoactive neuroactive compounds. Although not yet fully known way communication between bacterial flora of the gut and the brain, it seems that it includes nerve pathways, humoral, metabolic and immune. Effects of probiotics on mental healthThe idea that these gut bacteria may be useful for treating psychological problems is not new. In the past, it was found out that a formula containing probiotics could be used in people that were depressed. More recently, due to numerous scientific evidences in 2005, it was first proposed to add probiotics to conventional therapy for depression. Microbiome-gut-brain axis is the system of communication between the brain and gut intestinal bacteria. The ensemble of microorganisms in the human body and the metabolites that they can produce can also modulate nervous system to influence the brain. These microbes can interact with the serotonergic system, which plays an important role in the regulation of mood, due to the development of neuroendocrine system that controls the adjustement side in case of stress. Bacteria can produce neurotransmittersThere are numerous medical evidences that intestinal bacteria can produce essential chemicals, such as:
Clinical evidence of probiotics to treat psychological disorders: Numerous studies and clinical research were conducted to test the effectiveness of probiotics to treat psychological. Here are some of them: 1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a disorder of the gut-brain meridian associated with increased levels of anxiety and depression. Lactobacillus called B. infantis 35624 produced a significant improvement for this disorder by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines. 2. Anxiety. Daily administration of the probiotic L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum significantly reduced anxiety and cortisol levels (stress hormone). 3. Depression - A double-blind study demonstrated that probiotics have improved participants' emotional state after three weeks. A mixture of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium longum helveticus R0052 R0175 resulted in a psychological ailment significantly lower than in the control group. - The administration of various probiotics for 4 weeks produced a diminution of cognitive reactivity in concrete aspects of obsessive thinking and thinking aggressive. Cognitive reactivity refers to the activation of dysfunctional thinking patterns caused by certain negative emotional states. These patterns include obsessive thoughts (recurrent thoughts about certain issues, their causes, etc.), aggressive thoughts, hopelessness (eg, loss of motivation and hope in the future) and suicidal ideation (ie, thinking that death is the only Getaway). When a person is faced with a negative event, a high cognitive reactivity may cause worsening of negative so easily becomes depression. In fact, cognitive reactivity is one of the main signs of depression. The fact that the probiotics are able to reduce the reactivity of cognitive means may be equally effective for the prevention and treatment of depression. 4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This disorder causes high levels of health anxiety. In a research, 39 people were treated with Lactobacillus casei for two months, producing a significant improvement in anxiety compared to the placebo group. How can we increase the consumption of probiotics?Probiotic bacteria are found mostly in fermented foods such as yoghurt or kefir. If you'll eat regularly, you can maintain a healthy intestinal flora. It should be considered that the level of a food probiotics may decrease with processing and storing it, and bacteria will not produce any effect if they are not alive. Therefore, make sure to use good quality food and juices (this process destroys all bacteria). The following are examples of foods probiotics and prebiotic foods, both are recommended for good health: Probiotic foodsProbiotic foods are foods that contain bacteria called acidophilus, which protects against bacteria that cause certain diseases. Therefore, these products are recommended for Crohn's disease, irritable bowel, constipation and chronic vaginal infections and generally improve the functioning of the immune system. Probiotic foods can be found commercially mostly in the form of yogurt, buttermilk, kefir, etc., and certain foods made from soy or miso and tempeh site containing small amounts of probiotics. You can also buy probiotic tablets, capsules or powder. Prebiotic foodsIn turn, prebiotic foods, are also suitable to improve the intestinal transit. Prebiotic foods may be consumed several days per week, or as a cure for several weeks. Some nutritionists even recommend that they be consumed daily. Foods that have a high content of prebiotics are onions, garlic, chicory, leeks, bananas, beets, peas and beans. Certainly, it needs more research into probiotics performed on human beings, whose intestinal flora intestines contain a much more diverse than in rats. As a conclusion, it is important to pay attention to the bacterial flora per acre we all inside the body, trying to remain as healthy as possible as it has an important effect on behavior and emotions, even without being aware of it. As we’ve seen so far, there are plenty of researches done and still following to be conducted on the subject of probiotic benefits for anxiety and mood disorders. However, having some encouraging information to start up is a really pleasant thing. Now we know that probiotics are meant not only to improve our physical health – or at least a part of it – but also the mental health as well. Read more about one of the best probiotic supplement on the market, the Bio X4: