When looking for a part-time course of study, you are sure to stumble across the term "self-study" every now and then. But what does that actually mean? Here is not only the appropriate answer, but also helpful tips on self-study!
What does self-study involve?
There is no such thing as the one and only true self-study - on the one hand, the term can be defined differently in each case by the various providers, and on the other hand, many "normal" study programs can also be turned into self-study.
You can find out what forms of self-study there are here:
Autodidacts are people who teach themselves one thing all by themselves, for example the use of a program, an instrument or also scientific contents. Autodidacts do not usually follow a set curriculum with a final exam at the end, but instead seek out textbooks and knowledge on their own.
The advantage: you do not have to take an exam.
The disadvantage: you have no proof that you are knowledgeable in a particular area. This is often not a problem with practical applications such as programming languages or software, but with theoretical knowledge it can be an advantage to be able to present a certificate or similar.
Distance learning
As a rule, a distance learning course is always a self-study course, although there are also gradations as to how large the share of self-learning is. Nowadays, most distance learning universities offer an online campus so that you can communicate with lecturers and fellow students during your studies. Some lectures or seminars are also broadcast live, making it almost feel like you're right there at the university. Before digitalization, the study letters for distance learning were sent by mail and students were largely left to their own devices - at least contacting or exchanging information with fellow students was much more complicated.
Self-study in distance learning has therefore been somewhat loosened up by the technical possibilities in the meantime. In addition, most distance learning courses also include a few attendance phases - whether these are voluntary or mandatory depends on the provider and the respective course of study or continuing education.
However, it is still up to you to decide whether you want to take advantage of this offer or prefer to learn on your own. And don't forget: Despite the online campus, the majority of the program is still self-paced - meaning you have to manage your own study time and you are responsible for having the material ready for the exam dates.