How To Improve Your Analytics on Storeboard! |
Posted: March 17, 2011 |
Storeboard sends out weekly Analytics Report. This report tells you how many times someone has seen your profile or media that is posted to your profile such as photos, videos, blogs and coupons. You can see this information at any time by clicking on "Analytics" which is under Your Storeboard on your Dashboard. Some Storeboard Members have a lot more views than others. What is the key to getting people to look at your Profile whether it's on Storeboard, Facebook or any other social media site? 1. Great Profile Photo - We all know that while you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover - but people do it all the time. So it's important that you choose a great profile photo for your business. A professional logo is the best option but if you don't have one or don't want to spend the money on one, go to Google Images and select an image. You can use Paint to extract an image or words from a Google Image or any webpage. If you have any questions about how to do this don't hesitate to ask the Storeboard staff for assistance. 2. Fully Completed Profile - Once you have a great profile photo it's important to fully complete all of the information on your Storeboard profile. Try and complete all the details even though it will take a little time. This will be time well spent since once you create your profile it is permanent and will attract customers. Try and use the best possible language so that viewers will remember you and your business. If your profile is professional, viewers will assume that you are professional and want to do business with you. 3. Add Media - Now that you completed your profile, load up photos, videos, audios, blogs, coupons, photos of products if applicable, documents, application forms, menus if you're a restaurant and coupons. The more you add to your profile the more engaging it becomes. Potential customers will spend more time reviewing your profile and since noone likes to waste their time, they will be more likely to call you. Since they already were educated about you and your business, they will ask more important questions like how they can hire you and are you available? 4. Share Media - Once your profile has been completed and you have added interesting media to it, you should begin to share your profile and the media. Storeboard assigns a unique URL to all of your media enabling you to cut and paste that URL into Emails and onto other social sites. You can use the buttons that Storeboard provides on each piece of media and simply click on the piece of media you want to share. You want to share a photo you loaded onto Facebook? No problem - click on the photo, then click the Facebook button! After you enter your username and password it will post to your Facebook profile. It's that easy. 5. Participate In a Variety of Social Sites - Make as many friends as you can in life and online! The more people who know you and what you do, the more customers you will get. Make friends on all the social sites. Storeboard makes it easy to load and share media and there is never a charge. The more sites you join, the more venues you have to distribute your media and get the word out about your business and what's happening. 6. Enjoy the Rewards - When your customers see the time and attention you are putting into your business and they are kept up to date on what's happening they will keep you in mind and refer you to their friends and family. You want to be at the forefront of your customer's minds and get your name out there to meet new customers. Storeboard and other social media sites let you do this and the best news is they're free! Enjoy Storeboard and follow these easy steps to success!