How Cash Drawers Can Be Opened Without Making A Sale? |
Posted: January 7, 2015 |
When you are about to make a transaction, in that situation opening cash drawer is the most convenient and easy thing to do. You simply will have to press on the total button, then immediately the drawer will open. Now the question is what you are required to open cash drawers without making any sale. There may be a situation when any customer simply wants to change the note you have provided them. In this situation, there are some simple steps to follow to open the drawer without clicking on the total button.
Now, the easiest way to open the cash drawers will be to use a key and open the drawer manually at Bpafree Rolls . If you are an employee of a store than you can ask your manager, as managers have all the keys of the store. Else, there is another option where you can register the opening code in the register. Such codes are often related to either cash pick up or cash deposit. This option is widely used specially, when customer is on hurry and you do not have much time to wait for the manager to come. In this situation, you can use the computerized opening option for proceeding further. This will save your time as well customer’s time. In addition, there are two more commands like pick up and cash deposit, as the name suggest these commands are useful for picking and depositing the cash in different types of drawers. Hence, your task will become easy and convenient. Resource: