7 Useful Tips on Blogging |
Posted: August 25, 2011 |
Useful Tips on Blogging! Enjoy! 1. Research If you are going to make your career as a blogger, the best idea is to research and learn more about the nuances, tips and tricks about blogging. This is a time consuming job, but the time you spend on reading these materials is worth the time that will aid you in establishing yourself as a capable blogger. Since your first step in blogging should always be the best one and the most careful one. 2. Choosing the right domain name Choosing the right domain name is going to tell your readers what could be expected from your blog and so is this going to tell the bots from the search engines. This is the reason why the niche of your blog and the domain name should match and go hand-in hand. Your domain name should be short, crisp, and easy to read out and remember. Always prefer domain names that ends with .com, .org and .net. 3. Choosing the right niche Do Read : Niche Blogging : Make it Profitable This step in blogging is like the main and the most important step of blogging, which will aid in setting the goal or the target for developing your blog. There may be several blogs in the niche area that you want to build, and writing on several varying different topics could be done for pleasure reading and blogging for passion, but is surely not a wise thing to do. Moreover, when you want to blog, decide on the niche by brainstorming and create directions and topics based on the target audience. 4. Choose the right design for your blog Do Read : How to Choose Best Template for Blogging Your design of the blog is going to speak about how clear you are in your blogging career. This should help your readers to know that you want to make things easy for them by setting better design navigation and there are a number of blog templates available, which will let you to choose one that will suit your requirements, taste and style. If you are not good in designing your blog, get this done by using some web designers help, but the blog should be able to more reader friendly. 5. Consistent blogging When you are going have blogging as your main job, then do this sincerely and seriously. Do see to that you post contents that are worth reading and referring on a regular basis, say for example, post blog posts that are readable every day or once in a week, but not once in two months or something like that. Readers are not interested in blogs that are not consistent and on those who do not post regularly. 6. Write quality articles Do Read : Is content everything? These days Google is getting very strict, they are penalizing bloggers for writing contents that are not of good quality, and if they think that they are spammers then the probability of losing your ad sense account is very high. You be on the shoes of the reader while writing your blog posts and this is one of the keys to success. 7. Blogging strategy Do Read : 5 Effective Blogging Strategies This is going to help you to do happy blogging and developing a strategy for blogging is going to let you decide how effective and efficient you can be as a blogger, managing your time for your family and friends and still do the blogging activity regularly. Furthermore if you are working elsewhere, you could still be able to manage the voluminous work.