Andrew Lattarulo is best known for representing legal advice as well as attorney at law. He is also known for his civil rights cases, as well as cases against police brutality.
((61) 884-1000
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((61) 884-1000
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((61) 884-1000
USA, Hartford, Connecticut, 06101 USA, Hartford, Connecticut, 06101 Hartford, Connecticut 06101 Map It!
Andrew Lattarulo is a lawyer, who specializes in constitutional, commercial and taxation law. He primarily practices at the Supreme Court but also appears in various High Courts and in international arbitration, sometimes as counsel and other times as an adjudicator.
How We Got Started
Andrew Lattarulo's life was captured by the 1940 U.S. Census.When Andrew Lattarulo was born about 1924, his father, Anthone, was 28 and his mother, Sydoria, was 18. In 1940, he was 16 years old and lived in Hartford, Connecticut, with his father, mother, brother, and sister.
Favorite Part of the Business
Andrew Lattarulo is founding partner in Georges Cote LLP , is results driven and client oriented firm with a continual commitment to provide clients – both individuals and corporations – with passionate and skilled legal representation in every single case.